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Fireman Lapbook

Fireman Lapbook Cover

I find Bilal is very interested in doing school work so I've started to do more activities at home with him since he has a few months before he goes to school.  He loves cutting, writing and doing worksheets.  He is really good at keeping himself busy and loves to do things independently.  I found the template for this Fireman Lapbook over at Homeschool Creations.  Not only did we make the lapbook but we did some of the extra worksheets that can be found at Homeschool Creations.

Inside the Fireman Lapbook

Just making the lapbook was a wonderful activity.  It involved lots of gluing and cutting.  Once it was complete there were lots of activities to do.  The lapbook has pattern making, learning about colours, counting, learning to spell their name, shadow matching and learning Fireman words.

Back of the Fireman Lapbook

After making the Fireman Lapbook, Bilal took it to Hasan's school to show all the teachers.  He was very shy and wouldn't speak but he insisted on showing everyone.  A couple of days later we dropped by our local fire station to show them all his hard work.  We went after school so Hasan could join us.  They both were very quiet while we were there. There were 3 fireman at the station.  They showed Hasan and Bilal the firetruck.  I told them Bilal made this book and wanted to show them.  One of the firemen took it and was so excited saying no one has ever given them anything like that.  I was scared Bilal might say something or get upset they were going to keep it but he was totally fine with it.  They gave both boys a bunch of goodies including fireman hats and markers.  For the next couple of days they would not take off their fireman hats and were once again playing with their firetrucks.  They both are asking when they can go back to visit the fire station!


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