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Scrunched Tissue Paper Flowers

This is a very easy flower I had Hasan make.  You take small squares of tissue paper, scrunch them up into a small ball and then glue them on a pre-cut shape.  I had a bunch of streamers so I just cut small squares out of that.  I found that to be much faster than cutting squares out of a big sheet of tissue paper.  We also stuck some adhesive magnets on the so we could put them on the fridge.

We used these great cut out shapes I found at Dollarama. They had flowers, dinosaurs and butterflies. I picked up the flowers and dinosaurs.  We tried this with both.  The dinosaur didn't look very good so I'm posting the flower.  Of course you could cut out our own shape to glue the tissue on.

Materials Needed:

A cut out shape to glue the tissue on
Tissue paper cut into small squares (or like me you can cut up streamers)
Paintbrush (for spreading the glue)
Adhesive magnets (optional)

How to:
Put glue on shape and spread with a paintbrush (we did one section at a time so the glue wouldn't dry out).

Scrunch up a square of tissue paper into a tiny ball and put on the shape.

Once dry, stick the magnets on the back and display on your fridge!


  1. What a super cute blog you have! I love the unique ideas you have to keep the little ones busy.


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